Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Craving Mustard

That's right, folks. It seems to be the color of the season. It's popping up everywhere, and I don't mean on hot dogs. Though I guess the right description for mustard would be "squirting up," not "popping up," wouldn't it? "Popping up" would work for a nice buttery popcorn color. But I digress.

This striking yellow color was striking terror in my heart not too long ago when I realized that EVERYONE--but me--WAS WEARING IT. Now, I know that has just got to be the dumbest line of the century, and like we tell our kids, "if EVERYONE were to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you?" But I gotta admit, the saucy, spicy, sunny yellow sweaters had me craving for some of that color in my own wardrobe.

So I staked out my regular discount haunts, and guess what? I found it! A mustard-colored sweater! To the tune of...drumroll, please...all of $4!

Ha! Take that, you spenders!

I'm still trying to decide what it goes with. I think my standard black long-sleeved shell with my trusty ol' black straight skirt should do nicely. Opinions from the peanut gallery, anyone? Which necklace would you wear with this?

(Hmmm, on the other hand, a mustard sweater would go nicely with a dachschund, doncha think? Hot dawg!)

Sweater: $4, Church Avenue Factory Outlet (217 Church Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218)  |  Necklace & bracelet set on left: $1,  Church Avenue Factory Outlet  |  Middle necklace: $3, Value Depot (1702 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY 11229)  |  Necklace on right: $3, gift store with a name I can't recall


  1. What does Church Avenue Factory Outlet sell? Never heard of it, although I live in Brooklyn. Do they carry new or used merchandise?

    1. It's all new stuff. Not used. They have weekly closeouts and deals from various factories and brands, always something different.

    2. By the way, thanks for leaving the very first comment!! :)

  2. middle neacklace! totally dig this combo :-)

    1. Thanks! I thought so too, and I actually put it on the other day, but...what can I say. It was just too busy. I ended up sticking with necklace #1.

    2. Yah, I can see it. Oh well, there's always next time.

    3. I wouldn't adorn this outfit with a necklace at all; I would however dress it with a pair of black medium to large size earrings and a black cocktail ring though.
